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rope key.jpg
Used to tighten ropes supporting the mattress.

An elegant white vase with gilt lines. There is a crack on one part because of that crack this is the "cracked" paris vase.

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small paris vase.jpg
This small vase is made of white porcelain and painted with green leaves.

White with gilt line. Because Cherry Hill has more then one paris vase each one has an identifier. This one is "old"

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shoue mold 1.JPG
Used to make shoes

8 in candle stick.jpg
Made of brass.

Although Ambrotypes are later then the period of this house they are similar to daguerreotypes which were around. Ambrotypes were made from the 1850s to the 1860s. They were made on glass backed with black paper or velvet. On the back of our case is…

cannonball anirons.JPG
These ones were made of brass.

trunk 2.jpg
Used for storage

Made of tin.
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